
  • Hydrate Your Employment Status

    As of today, we are experiencing the hottest day of the year.  Temperatures are going to reach a high of 106 degrees.  Boy, that’s hot!  Therefore, I am sure you […]

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  • You Are Approved

    You Are Approved

    You were created on purpose, for a purpose with gifts, talents and abilities to be used regardless of what you have been through.  This means, you have been “Approved.” No […]

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  • Burn The Box

    Burn The Box

    How many times have you been told to think outside of the box? Have you ever thought about burning the box?  Well, I did.  Literally, there is no more box […]

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  • Modifications in the Making

    As I continued to think about this new year, I have come to the realization that it is not about being a new year, new you. Instead, it is and […]

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  • Four More Days

    As I prepare for the New Year, I realized I still have four more days in this year. Four more days to accomplish one more “something” that I set out […]

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  • The Problem is Not Goal Setting, It’s Committing to Them

    How many times have you set a goal to lose that extra 10 pounds as your New Years Resolution? Yeah, right!  I have made that same New Years Resolution only […]

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  • Goals Set. Now What?

    I have learned that I can’t do it all by myself.  It is very important to have a positive support system in place to hold you accountable.  For example, I […]

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  • New Year. New You.

    2013 is only four weeks away.  However, preparation begins now for “New Year.  New You.”  Instead of focusing on resolutions, we are going to focus on setting goals.  Resolutions can […]

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  • 2012 Reflections

    Another Thanksgiving Day has come and gone. Now that the holiday is over, I have had time to reflect. Follow me over the next four weeks. I will be providing […]

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  • Goal-Setting

    I thought I had done a great deal towards completing my goals for 2009 until I met with a Marketing Consultant on Friday.  I wanted to have her help me […]

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